Neurosurgical treatment of brain tumours
Neurosurgical treatment of brain tumours
Neuroendoscopy and Minimally Invasive Neurosurgery
Use of neuro-endoscopes and small approaches to minimize surgical trauma
and to achieve good cosmetic results
Use of neuro-endoscopes and small approaches to minimize surgical trauma
and to achieve good cosmetic results
Creation and Running of a Charity Organization to provide Medical Help and Support and Training of Medical Personnel in Ressource-limited parts of the world
Creation and Running of a Charity Organization to provide Medical Help and Support and Training of Medical Personnel in Ressource-limited parts of the world
Health informatics
Use of latest computer science in neurosurgery to improve surgical results, safety, efficiency and communication(i.e.telemedicine)
Master Degree(MSc) in Health Informatics (March 2008)
Use of latest computer science in neurosurgery to improve surgical results, safety, efficiency and communication(i.e.telemedicine)
Master Degree(MSc) in Health Informatics (March 2008)
Collaboration with a hospital in Sanaa, Yemen
Regular provision of specialist neurosurgical care in a general hospital in Sanaa, Yemen
Regular provision of specialist neurosurgical care in a general hospital in Sanaa, Yemen
Collagen matrices in Neurosurgery
Use of extracellular collagen matrices for dural reconstruction and as adhesion barrier
Use of extracellular collagen matrices for dural reconstruction and as adhesion barrier
Botulinum toxin for spasticity, dystonia and in aesthetic medicine
post@horaczek.de | www.horaczek.de | www.neurodoc.eu |